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----  [分享]AMD二月份将推两款HD5000新品:HD5450/HD5570  (http://anyi.net.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=26903)

--  作者:lzp888
--  发布时间:2010/1/25 14:41:09
--  [分享]AMD二月份将推两款HD5000新品:HD5450/HD5570


据Digitimes网站从显卡厂商那里得到的消息显示,AMD将于二月份发布HD5000系列显卡的最新款产品HD5450,并计划于二月份中期推出 HD5570显卡。


另外,AMD最近刚刚发布了用于起到HD4670的HD5670显卡产品,这款显卡标配512MB/1GB GDDR5显存,GPU核心/显存频率分别为775MHz/1000MHz。

AMD ATI Radeon HD 5450 and 5570 set for February launch

AMD is expected to launch its latest ATI Radeon HD 5000-series graphics chips, the ATI Radeon HD 5450 in early February and ATI Radeon HD 5570 in mid-February, according to sources from graphics card makers.

The HD 5450 is aiming to replace the previous generation ATI HD 4650/4550/4350 graphics cards while the HD 5570 will target the mid-range market.

AMD recently launched its DirectX 11-ready HD 5670 graphics chip to supersede its HD 4670. The HD 5670 supports both 512MB and 1GB GDDR5 memory and features core frequencies of 775MHz and memory frequencies of 1000MHz.

AMD confirmed it plans to launch ATI Radeon HD 5400 and HD 5500-series products before the middle of February, as part of its aim to offer outstanding graphics with Microsoft DirectX 11 technology support for mainstream markets.


AMD ATI Radeon HD 5670 graphics card Photo: Company


[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-25 14:43:36编辑过]