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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 发布时间:2024/6/17 10:57:57 -- [转帖]正念人生箴言,深夜里最好的励志佳句 1、“爱和接受自己是我们能为自己做的最好的善举。 Loving and accepting who we are is the greatest act of kindness we could do for ourselves. 2、不要把人放在盒子里,也不要自己生活在盒子里。给自己和他人改变的许可。 Don’t put people in boxes, and don’t live in a box yourself. Give yourself, and others, permission to change. 3、当人们以伤害的方式行事时,那是因为他们自己在过去的某个时候受到了伤害。 When people behave in hurtful ways it is because they themselves have been hurt sometime in the past. 4、如果有人越界了,而你没有做标记,那么下次再发生这种事,你就没资格抱怨了。 If someone crosses a line and you don’t flag it, then you don’t get to complain the next time it happens. 5、有了正念,你就能在当下建立自己,以便在那一刻触摸到生命的奇迹。 With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment. 6、在生活中,发生在你身上的事和你来自哪里并不重要。重要的是你如何对待所发生的事情以及你得到了什么。 In life, it doesn’t matter what happens to you or where you came from. It matters what you do with what happens and what you’ve been given. 7、幸福是一种感觉,而不是结果。当你明白幸福只不过是一种感觉时,你就能帮助它成长并维持它自己。 Happiness Is a feeling, not an outcome. When you understand that happiness is nothing more than a feeling, you can help it to grow and maintain itself when you do feel it. 8、敞开自己接受爱。你并不需要做什么特别的事情来获得这种认可或关心。只是因为你的存在。 Open yourself up to receiving love. There’s nothing special that you need to do to deserve this kind of acknowledgement or care. It’s simply because you exist. 9、你越早注意到情绪的到来,你就越有机会很好地处理它。 The sooner that you notice an emotion coming, the better chance you have of dealing with it well. |