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--  作者:berjerfu
--  发布时间:2011/6/17 15:34:25
--  the Christian church

the Christian church

Thus the Christian church was first of all of the nation of Israel; and therefore, when the Gentiles were called, they were but as it were added to Israel, to the seed of Abraham.They were added to the Christian church of Israel, the proselytes of old were to the Mosaic church of Israel; and so were as it were dnly grafted on the stock of Abraham, and were not a distinct tree ; for they are all still the seed of Abraham and Israel; as R\\th the Mtiobbess, and Uriah the Hitlite, and other proselytes of old Were the same people, and ranked as the sped of Israfel.So the Christian church at first began at Jerusalem, and from thence was propagated to all nations: So that this church of Jerusalem was the church that was as it were the mother of all other churches in the world ; agreeable to the prophecy, Isaiah ii. ;.Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Ldrd from Jerusalemand he shall judge among the nations and rebuke many people.\' Sa that the whole Church of God is still God\'s Jerusalem.; they are his spiritual Jerusalem apd are as it were only added to the church, which was beun in the literal Jerusalem.After this, we read of many thousands f MBT Shoes Clearance Jews that belief ed in Jerusalem, Acts And so we read of triultitudes of Jews who were converted in other cities of Judea; and not only so, but even in other parts of therorld for, wherever the MBT apostles went, if there were any Jew there, their manner was first to go into the synagogues of the Jews, and preach the gospel to them, and many in one place andt another believedas in Damascus and Antioch, and many other places that we read of in the Acts of the Apostles.In this pouring out of the spirit, which began at the Pentecost following. Christ\'s ascension, began? that first great dispensation which is called Christ\'s coming in his kingdom.Christ\'s coming thus in MBT Shoes a spiritual manner for the glorious setting up of his kingdom in the world, i& rtprcscated hf Christ himself as his coming down from heaven, whither he had ascended, John xiv. . There Christ having beeiv speakmg of his ascension says, ri will not leave you comfortless ; I will come unto you," speaking of his coming, by the coming of the comforter, the spirit of truth.